Tuesday, June 06, 2006

I'm back in Budapest after ten days in Romania. It was wonderful stepping off the train yesterday into a city I barely know, but somehow feels like home. I got rid of the sketchy 50 year old men I had the company of for 10 hours from Romania and escaped the train station unharrased, something that is unheard of in Romania. As beautiful as the country is, and as friendly as the people are, the train rides made me nervous. And spending any time in train stations was not fun as Roma (gypsy) people are the most persistent beggers I have met in my life; they don't take no for an answer.

But Romania was great. Read the phrase, "the Romanian countryside is one-hundred of shades of vibrant green," and multiply the image you get by 100 and you have what it looks like. (Quite possibly because it rains so bloody much.)

And I'm getting fat; the Romanians know to do baked goods.

And I went to the birthplace of Vlad the Imapler aka Count Dracula...hahaha.

And I met a lot of really wonderful people.

Budapest the second time round has been great. I like this city a lot.

Tomorrow I go to Zagreb.


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